Hotchkiss Otoscope Complete Unit with Clip-On Power Source:
The Hotchkiss with Clip-On Battery Power Source is designed for perfect balance and ease of handling, it allows your Hotchkiss to fit easily into your pocket, stand on your instrument table or simply travel in your bag. Constructed of high impact plastic, it uses either alkaline (AA) batteries or nickel cadmium rechargeable batteries. The unit may be autoclaved when batteries are removed. Weighs only 3 ounces, including batteries. The HO-60703X comes with:
- Optical Head
- Clip-On Power Source
- Autoclavable Specula set of 6 (2.5mm-8mm)
- Carrying Case
- Alkaline AA Batteries (2)
- Pneumoscopy Bellows (with optional Pneumoscopy)
HO-60703X (most popular)
HO-60703X-P with pneumoscopy includes HO-60785 Bellows & HO-60786 Bulb